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strong & sensitive thrivers

"Sometimes, day to day life

feels  like it hurts more for me,

than it does for others"

People can be both
Strong and Sensitive

Sometimes living in the extreme of these opposites
brings an inner misery that others
just don't seem to have to deal with everyday.


Strong & 
Thrivers are often..

  • driven by the need to help or caretake;

  • driven by the need to achieve or prove;

  • questioning earlier choices or lack of choice​

  • carrying the burden of others' emotions;

  • struggle with any feedback;

  • feel negatively affected by the perception of judgement; 

  • have a personal history that includes misery;

  • have not been able to find their true self, people or place in the world. 

hustle & grind culture; social media likes & influencers; gender stereotypes; traditional teaching or parenting styles;

aggressive workplace or group leadership - can result in

praise for our extroverted traits and punishment for our introverted ones.

For many of us, all of this brings inner misery, turmoil and suffering. 

Suggestions of common traits
for Strong & Sensitive Thrivers: 

  • Emotional Beings

  • Creative 

  • Passionate Advocates

  • Empathetic

  • Deep Listeners

  • Heavy Thinkers

  • Energy Feelers 

  • Blended Introvert *and* Extrovert

  • High energy with big crashes

  • Intuitive, instinctive

  • Sensitive

  • Perceptive of others

  • Supportive Allies

  • Compassionate Care Givers

  • Anxious Worriers

  • Perfectionists

  • Persistent analyzers

These traits are known as: Sensitivities
they are drawn upon many times so that we can get and use information from our world, to do what we do - safely and effectively!!

can you relate to feeling this way?

Heading _Up The 6_ for some holistic healing with my super faves..jpg

When unbalanced, unprocessed, and misunderstood,
our personal sensitivities
can leave us open to risk of:

chronic stress, burnout, emotional exhaustion and mental suffering.

Psychotherapy may help you shift into working with your sensitivities to get what you want out of life - instead of hiding or forcing them to
"toughen up".

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