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because life gets in the way..

of taking the time to stop, step back and care for your mental health.

safe, secure, confidential


Recent research pre-during-and post pandemic demonstrate that virtual therapy is just as effective means in facilitating growth and change" as in-person therapy.* It now comes down to personal preference.

filing away religious trauma in a safe counselling space


WHERE: â€‹ Exclusively online in the comfort of your

own home, office, parked car, coffee shop

- anywhere you feel safe and have privacy-


WHEN: Mornings, Lunch Breaks, Afternoons.

Evening service most Mondays & Tuesdays


HOW:  Encrypted video software or by phone.


Benefits of Virtual Therapy 


Convenience! Access sessions on your personal device, anywhere you have internet, cell access, and privacy for talking.


​No commuting means less expenses on gas, parking, transit or your time spent in getting there.​


Works well for the time crunched adult - fit therapy sessions into your busy schedule on lunch breaks, after work, before shifts


Accessible for people with physical limitations, or those who live in remote or geographical different locations. 


More therapist options to chose from! You're no longer limited to the psychotherapists and counsellors available nearby. You're free to find a therapist who truly suits you.


​Psychological comfort and confidentiality: No more awkward waiting rooms or reception check ins -  just pick up / hang up, right from your own life.


Fully encrypted video can be as private as in-person, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Phone is as secure as a cell phone line. â€‹


Adaptable to the therapy frameworks and give the therapist a glimpse into your actual environment.

*from studies published in: journal of anxiety disorders (2018); eclinicalmedicine (2020); clinical psychology psychotherapy (2021); american journal of psychiatry (2021); indian journal of psychological medicine (2022). 

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