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psychotherapy & counselling
research shows a trusting relationship with your therapist is the most important factor for positive outcomes in therapy.
​Psychotherapy & counselling sessions include:
Private, one on one, therapy session with a registered psychotherapist
Covered under most health insurance plans, benefits package or income taxes
Therapeutic handouts for reflection, skills building and practice (as needed)
Convenient, self-serve online scheduling (up to 24 hours in advance)
Self administered mental health assessments, (reviewed verbally) on request
Safe, secure client account to store and share information
50 - 55
video or phone
person directed
psychotherapy & counselling sessions (60 min)
emdr extended sessions
(90 min)
Prices subject to change periodically.
​approach to ther​apy
All services are delivered in a shame-free space of personal safety, compassion and meaning. This is your therapy. We work to build new meaning, insight and to offer skills or tools that support sustainable healing or change.
We work diligently to develop a trusting relationship with people by approaching all interaction from a thoughtful, inclusive and respectful stance.
Sessions are person centred: the appropriate intervention is determined by your own preferences, goals and interests - and we collaboratively change course as the wind directs your sails.​
All services are informed by the unique woven cloth involving identity, personal history, trauma, worldview, inter-generational trauma and cultural diversity.
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