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talk therapy
When you don't need a full session
but something has come up.
​Talk therapy calls
Private, one on one phone call with a registered psychotherapist
Completely self guided: You bring the issue - concern - reflection - update
Available through online booking on weekdays, some evenings.
Covered under most health insurance plans, benefits package or income taxes
Manage your own schedule in My Account through Jane. (up to 24 hours in advance)
30 minutes
"from pick-up
to hang-up"
person directed
​approach to talk ther​apy calls*
We have a brief therapeutic discussion in a manner that supports your mental and emotional needs around the subject you bring.
A shame-free, safe space that may fit into the natural breaks of your day.
​Useful for:
Reflection on new insights or concerns
Situational stress or update on one in progress
Practical skills coaching (coping, changing behaviour, emotion regulation etc.)
Brief review of mental health assessments or other clinical admin conversations
A final session to graduate from therapy
talk therapy calls (30 min)
- a brief, solution focused, therapeutic conversation.
Prices subject to change periodically.
*Eligibility for this service:
Additional consent must be reviewed and signed prior to your first talk therapy call
Active clients who have completed the first intake and two full therapy sessions.
Returning clients must complete one full therapy session prior to using this service.
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