reaching out
we're here when you're ready.
Hey, Hello, Hi!
We currently have a couple
of openings still available for New or Returning clients.
For more info or to book a consult call
Email Nadine at:
It's helpful to include your general
availability for the call,
and a brief note about your interest.
**This is not a Crisis or Emergency Response Service.**
If you or someone you know needs emergency medical or crisis support - Contact Police/Ambulance at 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency hospital department.
Suicide or Crisis Support
Call / Text / Web search
Ontario: 2-1-1 or 9-8-8
Newfoundland & Labrador: 9-8-8
​Inuit and First Nations Crisis Intervention
& Counselling Support
(24/7, Canada Wide):
1 855 242-3310
This land is covered by Between-the-Lakes Purchase, Treaty 3, 1792.
We acknowledge our privilege to live, work and thrive on the traditional territory of 5 Indigenous communities: Anishinabewaki, Haudenosaunee; Attiwonderonk; Mississauga & Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.
To find out more about the land you call home see: